2014-06-01 - Tinytouchtales
Welcome to a small Weekly Update #20. This week has been a little bit fractured due to multiplie things we were working on so here’s a short summary.
Last Minute Matchagon fix
We submitted the new Matchagon update on Sunday. On Monday though we found a nasty bug where the Daily Challenge would be stuck in an update loop, causing the game to always load the same daily set it originally got stuck in. We had to fix this bug and resubmit it to Apple. Hopefully the Update will be available later this week.
New KRAXLN Tilesets
Thomas was very productive and started to create the new tileset for KRAXLN. He made some nice improvements over the old version including some tricks to generate more visual verticality and having a more mountainy feel to the whole art.
Right now we are updating the in game graphics and still improving some of the smaller systems. For example we want to add an avalanche event, where you will first hear a siren and after five turns a large avalanche will happen that will kill you, if you can’t find shelter below a wall in those five turns.
New Prototype
Additionally we found some time this week to sketch out a new prototype which was sitting inside a note book for some time. The general idea is similar to the strategy prototype we are still kicking around. But instead of having a rock paper scissor mechanic, this time we try to integrate a simple math system where cards can have a number and a modifier (+, -, x).
Cards can attack each other and the attacking card uses its number and it’s modifier to change the value of the defending card. The attacking card will be removed after the turn, clearing the board step by step until no moves are left. The Player with the heighest score from all card wins.
The idea seems to work, but we need to write a more dedicated AI to really test the game flow and see if the idea is viable in a real 2 player match.
That’s it for this week, have a nice Sunday!