2014-04-28 - Tinytouchtales
Weekly Update #16 incoming! After our Muffin Munch release Arnold participated in the Ludum Dare #29 Game Jam this weekend.
Muffin Munch Launch
After launching Muffin Munch on Wednesday, we are actually a little bit sad about how unnoticed the game went. We were considered for a feature but didn’t got it in the end, which unfortunately is a live or die for a still largely unknown developer like us. In the end we got round about 650 downloads so far which is pretty much nothing.
We will have to see how things evolve. We have planned to bring a localization update with French and also we want to look into a Chinese translation, to get a little bit more exposure in the Chinese market. Being on iOS is tough and in the free category it’s even tougher. We still have some pending reviews, so let’s see how the game will perform in the next weeks. It’s still too early to really shelf it, but the overall performance so far is disappointing.
Ludum Dare #29
With Muffin Munch released Arnold took the chance to participate in the Ludum Dare #29 Game Jam which took place last weekend. The theme of this Jam was “Beneath the surface” which resulted in a huge pile of fishing games. To counter this we tried to come up with a more metaphoric interpretation of the theme and made a game about ordering chaos. The game evolves around the idea of having parts of the game change when they are above or below an imagined surface, thus making the state of the individual pieces depended on the players actions. The game is called Fluid Mind and is a basic Puzzle game with a few interesting mechanics.
You can play the game or a look at it’s Ludum Dare page. If you feeling lazy you can watch the Developer Let’s Play on youtube.
It was a really nice Ludum Dare and we are looking forward to the next one!
That’s it for this week!