2015-04-15 - Card Crawl
As promised here is our follow up post to The first week of Card Crawl. This time we are looking at the numbers after the featuring ended and also how we proceeded with the game.
Downloads / Revenue
As written in the previous post in the time from the 12th to 19th the game was downloaded 22,988 times and could generate $30,824 in revenue. This time we are looking at to numbers from the 20th of March to the 12th of April.
In this time Card Crawl was downloaded 6561 time and generated $8,616 in revenue. This sums up to a total of $39,189 from the 11th of March to the 12th of April. (the first week numbers have been updated to be actually a little bit weaker than in the first post)
Here are some more interesting facts. 59% of the download came from the US, 9% from Germany, 5,8% from the UK, and 4.5% each from Australia and Canada. The rest of the world shares the rest of the downloads. Since english and german are our only translations so far it might be worth to take a look at translating into more languages to reach some of the stronger european stores as well.
Card Crawl is still very well reviewed. US Ratings: 4.5 Stars 765 ratings, Germany: 5 Stars, 249 ratings, UK, Canada and Australia also 4.5 Stars with about 65 ratings each.
After each 30th game we show a rating popup that can bring you to the App Store rating page of Card Crawl. Here’s how user interact with it:
About 54% declined to rate, 39% wanted to be reminded later and only 6% said they want to rate the game. This does not mean they would actually do it but were in the mood to do it.
We pushed out two updates one on the 24th of march fixing several bugs and the performance improvement on the 9th of April. 90% of all users have updated the game to the latest version by now.
Right now we are working on update #3 that will bring new content in form of new ability cards and new game modes. We posted an in depth overview on the Card Crawl Dev-Blog. Additionaly there is a Card Crawl Community-Card contest where you can win one of these super slick Card Crawl shirts. You can check out how to participate on the Dev-Blog too.