2017-07-13 - Tinytouchtales
I’ve been making and releasing games since 2012. This is a long time and my portfolio of games has changed quite a lot over the years. I’ve changed the way i design games and which games i consider worth while. And even tho i enjoy the nostalgia when looking at my old games i feel this slight uncomfortable feeling of them not being representative of my design values anymore. This is why i decided that i will retire all games older than Card Crawl. With the upcoming iOS 11 update and the all around new App Store there are going to be quite some changes anyways and i think it’s a good moment to make a cut and consider Card Crawl my “oldest” game from now on.
On the bright side you can always take a look at my prototype junkyard on Itch.io and play some unfinished/abandoned concepts that i’ve created over the years.