2013-06-23 - Tinytouchtales
As promised here is our first sales report!
All Data shown was collected in the German iPad Store. Our launch on Wednesday went pretty well and we jumped into the iPad Book charts at position 3. The first day we idled around Rank 5 and in the evening we dropped to position 32. The big increase obviously came from the #1 New & Noteworthy feature in the German iPad store (whole German iPad Store not only Books). We instantly skyrocketed to Rank 1 and pretty much stayed there till now.
Downloads Numbers per Day
Wed: 12, Thu: 68, Fri: 161, Sat: 205
Revenue per Day ($)
Wed: 16, Thu: 95, Fri: 222, Sat: 285
As you can see the main revenue is generated by the german speaking countries followed by the UK. France is behind Denmark and Norway, which is also interesting. What really surprises us here, is that the US is pretty much not giving us any attention, which is unfortunate because its obviously the biggest market.
In terms of rankings we are pretty stable on Rank 1 for the iPad Book store and right now on Rank 40 in all iPad paid.
In the grossing ranking we are on Rank 2 for the iPad Book store behind the Comics-App and on Rank 239 in all iPad Apps.
Some additional Data from our in App tracking as followed:
We have 512 unique users. Which split into 244 on Sunday, 506 this Week and 512 this Month. From all the 512 users 277 finished the App (54%) and from the 244 today 115 finished the App (47%).
When we have setup some more queries in the database, we can gather more interesting Data about the App usage, which we will post about in the coming days.
It has been a great Weekend for us and we hope to continue this course. We have to see what happens when our #1 feature in the iPad Store ends and how fast we will drop into the App-Store Limbus.
Anyways hopefully you like the insights so far and we will make another report when the App is online 2 weeks.