2012-08-28 - Tinytouchtales
Our very first Blog-Post will be about the amazing Highscores a few Players managed to get, but weren’t intentional at all.
We’ve just submitted a “Hotfix” to Apple which will hopefully be released soon. Due to a miss balance in the Game, some of our Top Players reached Highscores around 100.000 Points which is completely awesome and off at the same time.
The Game was designed to have its major scoring phase when the Ballmachine is still alive. Due to the fact that the Meele-Racket had way to high Damage, those Players were able to kill a lot of Zombies in the last combat phase. Basically this is an easy fix. But the problem we now encountered is that Highscores get stored locally on the device and even wiping the whole Game-Center Highscore would cause the local Highscores to be uploaded again. Therefore we’ll erase the local Highscore with the new Update once, to restore balance for all Players. We know that this is a real hardcore method of restoring Gamebalance but we’re only 10 days young and need to fix those issues permanently before even more Players will be playing
To keep you encouraged we’ll honor our 4 Top-Players with a Screenshot and also give a shout to all other Players to get some nice Highscores!