2018-11-10 - Ask
Mitko asks: “Will we ever get a Card Thief/Miracle Merchant/Enyo port on PC, and do you ever plan on making a multiplayer game or adding a multiplayer feature to existing games?”
Hi Mitko,
earlier this year we ported Card Crawl to Steam. Even though it was a fun project and did not took us too long, financially it wasn’t really viable. I feel it was a good project to test and after i’ve done it i can certainly say that my core strength is on mobile. I rather focus on a new cool mobile game then to port my older stuff that was never intended to work on Desktop.
For the Multiplayer part i have a pretty simple answer. Multiplayer is super hard in terms of programming and i’m just not capable of doing it at the moment. I would love to add more multiplayer features to my ideas but at the moment my skill level is just not good enough to do it technically. Maybe in the future when i’m either a) compelled to try it or b) have enough funding to hire a programmer that could help me with my projects. But for now i will focus on single player games.